About Kristi


1. 31 years old.

2. Naturally blonde and curly hair – beautiful!

3. Grayish-blue eyes.

4. Born and raised in Anchorage, Alaska.

5. Has 2 brothers and 4 sisters.

6. Has 23 nieces and nephews on her side of the family.

7. Graduated with a degree in Business Management with an emphasis in Hospitality.

8. Worked as an Events Coordinator.

9. Helped pack a moose out of the Alaskan mountains.

10. Has completed 2 full marathons and several half-marathons.

11. Is extremely clever and funny. Invents her own one-liners on the fly.

12. Loves to read – especially historical type novels.

13. Is a fantastic cookie maker. Chocolate cookies are her specialty.

14. Loves a variety of music. From classic rock to country.

15. Fun and Friendly. Is able to make friends with everyone and is always the peacemaker.

16. Enjoys Broadway musicals and shows.

17. Is a whiz at math, science, and numbers things. Was an honor roll student throughout college.

18. Active and well-rounded. She loves everything from bogey boarding to camping to a nice massage and pedicure.

19. Always trying new recipes. Doesn’t think she’s a good cook, but the truth is she’s awesome.

20. Kristi is an excellent wife and mother. Takes care of the home and takes care of me and the kids every single day!