About Craig

1. 34 years old

2. 6'1" and 180 pounds

3. Blue eyes, red hair, and freckles

4. Oldest of 5 boys

5. Born and raised in Orem, Utah

6. Earned Eagle Scout award at age of 15

7. Served LDS mission to southern Spain

8. Bachelor's Degree in Spanish, Minor in Business Management

9. LOVES SPORTS! Played high school baseball, basketball, and football.

10. Currently involved in cycling and triathlons. Over the past two years Craig has participated in several triathlons and century tours (100 mile bike rides).

11. Has scar on left cheek - he was hit in the face with a brick thrown by a Gypsy, one month into his mission.

12. Outgoing and friendly. Makes friends easily. Good at keeping in touch.

13. Confident. Rarely gets embarrassed.

14. Hard worker. Takes pride in doing his best. Good provider for our family.

15. Great sense of humor! He makes me laugh and still laughs at my jokes!

16. His family lives nearby. We spend a lot of time and holidays with Craig's family.

17. Enjoys reading. Some favorite authors are: Gerald Lund, John Grisham, Dan Brown

18. Self proclaimed "Steak Connoisseur"

19. Strange but true fact... Craig cannot swallow lettuce!

20. Good public speaker. Often speaks in front of large groups of people for work.